Back to the same ol’ same. I figured by the time I hit “publish”, I’ll have officially moved out of this vacation mode I put myself in, which makes me not want to hit publish anymore.
Oh well*.
But wait! Guess what! We came back to maybe a tiny speckle of rain and lots and lots of summer, which makes it even harder to want to stare at a screen thinking of the perfect comeback words. Again*. Our trip back to southern Illinois was magnificent. I had forgotten what extra extra humid air felt like (apart from that one day last year) and heck, it was magnificent. Have I said this already?
I had a birthday, there were lots and lots of puppies (one that could run you over with his puppy brain), I ate a steak from the neighbour’s cow and made by the most interesting uncle-in-law (is that a thing), caught two fish and threw them back, got a Huck Finn foot tan (if Huck Fin did that sort of thing), got presented with presents (yeahhh buddy) and fell so hard for this new family of mine. All that and a pedicure.
After many months of it being just roommate-for-life and me, I missed being around other people. Happy people, living life with every fibre of their being, quoting lines from Gone with the Wind and laughing so so hard. I don’t know if you know this but it’s hard living in a place where nobody is familiar. I wish I could be over there anytime I felt like, assuming international travel is not an option.
But I’m here now and I’m back. I have a fun “can’t live without” recipe for Thursday and it only made the cut because it’s all I’ve been eating this past week. Ask me what’s for lunch? The green stuff. Dinner? Same. Breakfast? A fried egg on top of that. If anything is going to give me my wheels back, it’s secret (for now) recipe.
Hello again.
*Like my father-in-law says “SUCK IT UP, BOY!”