I’m going to be honest. I’m doing this only so I can win that Fuji Instax and the film. So I might forfeit my chances of winning, but I’m a rebel and I aint fraid f th ruth. Did you get that?
Say my name new camera. SAY IT!
Okay so if you haven’t subscribed to the Plaid Barn‘s amazing daily dealios, you really should. Moreso if you a scrapbook-loving, earring-making, jar-pickling, cotton picking luminary. I’m sure you’re luminous if you’re reading this. You HAVE to be.
The website is having a giveaway and I’m doing my job and informing you all of this goodness from the comfort of my home, where I’m drinking a nice cuppa tea and dreaming of all the polaroids pictures I want to take and shake.
I got 25+ points. I am pretty darn cool.